Global Youth Ministry is a multi-faceted ministry organization with a focus on educating and equipping today’s youth to become tomorrow’s leaders for Christ here at home and on the mission field. In 1995, founder, Roger Glidewell’s vision of Global Youth Camps began. Today, over 20 years later, that vision has expanded to encompass youth, college students, and Youth Pastors around the world.
*Global Youth Ministry is a non-for-profit 501c3 missions sending organization and maintains their international offices on site at Fort Mountain Retreat & Conference Center.
Global Youth Camps include middle school through high school aged students. Our students receive guided training during summer camps, which are held in various locations, to become followers of Christ and to become leaders among their peers. We strive to build our students’ sense of self-worth through the realization that Jesus considers them His own family and that He was willing to die for them. Team sports, team games, and individual and group Bible studies encourage our students to care for their team members, share their experiences and grow in their leadership capabilities. These camps are conducted both in the U.S. and abroad.
Global Missions Camps and Camp Mission Tracks expand the experiences of summer camp students through participation in area projects that help the families and churches in the location which the Mission Camp is taking place. Students experience similar team activities as summer camp but their time is more focused on helping others. Our short term mission projects are conducted in cooperation with the International Mission Board and other mission agencies.
Our short term mission projects are conducted in cooperation with the International Mission Board and other mission agencies. We take teams to places where we already have mission staff on site to help guide on-going efforts to reach young people OR to places where we believe there is strong potential to develop youth ministry. Almost all of our overseas mission projects have a strong youth ministry component in which young people reach out to their peers in another culture. We sponsor mission projects in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and South America. Contact us to find out more possibilities for your group to help strengthen youth ministry around the world.
Global Youth Mentors: Additionally Global Youth Ministry sponsors missionaries who live abroad and serve as “Youth Mentors” to assist local congregations in developing strategies to reach and minister to their teenage population.

Global Institute for Youth Leadership focuses on college aged students. Four college credit tracks offer students Leadership Training, Youth Ministry, Missions and Creative Arts training.

Fort Mountain Retreat & Conference Center offers picturesque retreat space for Christian gatherings, conference, and weekend get-a-ways. We utilize this campus to educate and inspire believers to join with us in reaching our world, especially its young, for Christ. Secluded on the summit of Fort Mountain, we are nestled in the heart of the North Georgia mountains. Our 150-acre campus includes both the Institute campus and the Fort Mountain Retreat with are connected by roads, trails, and steps.