Pray Boldly
Did you know that in almost fifty-one countries prayer is forbidden? Often, Scripture is unavailable in their own language and even illegal. The Lord sincerely cares for us and draws closer to those who call upon Him. Praying boldly takes us out of our comfort zone. What would it be like if you prayed right now and asked God to take you, mold you into what He wants and take you out of your comfort zone? “I have Him, but more importantly, He has me.”
Give Freely
What do you think about when you hear the phrase “Give Freely”? If you ask different people you will get various answers about what giving freely means. People may say that it means giving everything you have, but ultimately it means that you are surrendering yourself to Jesus Christ saying “here is all of me, I am yours.” It is surrendering yourself with your palms up letting the Lord take and give things. We initiate in asking ourselves “what if we put aside the things that our world has put so much worth into and instead create willful space for God and focus on what is important?” We as Christians need to listen to Gods calling in whatever His plans are for each of our lives, that is why if you are called to missions you are called to go and Give Freely!
Go Ye
“Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations.” At Global Youth Ministry, mission trips overseas are a huge part of our strategy to pour the Gospel into youth. Our core values are to create one-on-one connections, minister to students and children, and finally develop everlasting plans for future mission trips. “The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed”-Hudson Taylor
Mission CAMP
Serving the youth of your church is a big responsibility. We understand that many leaders are faced with the decision of financially making wise, intentional investments with the youth ministry budget. Many times, leadership teams are having to decide: Summer Camp OR Mission Trip.
Global Youth Ministry firmly believes in the importance of leadership training and service opportunities-both aspects that define Global Youth Camps. We have specifically created opportunities for your group to have both – camp and missions- budget friendly. Our advice? Don’t choose…