There are lots of great conferences out there. Why this one?
Global Youth Ministry’s “Momentum1 Conference” is a unique event for youth leaders, youth workers and all your students! It’s a fantastic value, including a major youth event plus a volunteer adult training event all in one! Seasoned youth communicators will help your students gain a vision for their youth group, their schools, and their communities. Volunteers will be equipped with biblical principals and practical, take-home tools for ministering to teens! Everyone will return home with a clearer direction for becoming a youth group that God could use in a dynamic way!

Imagine being part of a youth group that is...
…radically on fire for God and His Word!
…engaged in true and honest worship!
…united for Christ on their school campuses!
…contagious with love for Christ and each other!
Now picture all that happening in your very own youth group!
Momentum1 is a weekend event for youth groups in your community that begins with a simple question: “If God chose youth in your community to make a huge difference, what kind of youth would He choose?” Using drama, games, music, worship, team building in small groups, and lively large group Bible studies, we guide youth to see how God can and will use them in a mighty way! Every hour is jam-packed with exciting action! Here are some features:
- Super team-building recreation!
- Intense Drama (and we mean intense!) plus crazy skits portray various ways to witness…or not!
- Student book is given to each participant, features helpful information for every student to follow God into a life of adventure!
- A final Celebration features music, drama, video, sharing, and even a “last supper.”
Upcoming Events:
- Kindle the Fire – DNow Weekend – February 18-20, 2022 @ FBC/Hilliard, Hilliard, FL
- Kindle the Fire – DNow Weekend – March 11-13, 2022 @ FBC/Hiram, Hiram, GA
- Kindle the Fire – DNow Weekend – March 25-27, 2022 @ FBC/Jackson, Jackson, GA
- Kindle the Fire – DNow Weekend – April 29-May 1, 2022 @ Hillcrest Baptist, Jacksonville, FL
Cost Options (per participant)
Fort Mountain Retreat Center Only
Option 1: Conference and Lunch Saturday: (This cost does not include lodging or extra meals)
$35.00 (Early Bird*) or $39.00 (Regular Cost)
Option 2: Conference, Lodging Friday Night, and Breakfast & Lunch Saturday:
$49.00 (Early Bird*) or $59.00 (Regular Cost)
Option 3: Conference, Lodging Friday & Saturday Night, and 3 meals Saturday & Breakfast on Sunday:
$69.00 (Early Bird*) or $79.00 (Regular Cost)
Option 4: Friday Dinner Add-On: (2 Slices of Pizza, with cookie and soda)
Normal Friday Evening-Saturday Conference Schedule
5:30PM Registration Opens
6:30PM General Sessions & Break Out Labs
10:00PM Dismiss for evening
8:30AM Doors Open
9:00AM General Sessions & Break Out Labs
12:15PM Lunch (provided as part of conference cost)
1:00PM General Sessions & Break Out Labs
5:15PM Dismiss
Step ONE: Reserve Your Spaces – Call us at 877-251-1800 to check space availability and book your reservation. Reservations help us accurately project space availability, and to provide the necessary amount of materials and food at your conference location.
Step TWO: Register with Pre-Registration Contribution – Your Pre-Registration Contribution is due within 10 business days of your group’s verbal reservation.
- SCHOLARSHIPS are available with early registration of $10 Pre-Registration Contribution per person (students and adults)
- Contributions are non-refundable
- Pre-Registration Contribitions apply towards your group event. (conditions apply, see below)
- Contribitions can be made with a MasterCard or Visa over the phone, or by check.
Check Information:
Global Youth Ministry
40 Blackhawk Trail | Chatsworth, GA 30705
Be sure to note which conference and how many people you are registering.
Step THREE: Final Steps – Arrive at the conference early enough to finalize your groups contribution amount and to pick up your group’s conference materials. Each participant will receive a conference booklet. Final donations are able to be received via MasterCard, Visa, or by check. Checks are made out as shown above in step two. To verify balance due, call 877-251-1800 during business hours.
- Total contribution amount per participant is $35, if received by the Early Bird deadline.
After Early Bird deadline, the contribution amount is $39 per person.
(Walk-up registrants may or may not be provided materials or lunch. Please call ahead if at all possible to reserve your materials and lunch.)
- Call the Global office (877-251-1800) to verify your conference details.
Decreasing Your Count:
You can reduce your conference numbers any time prior to three weeks before conference with a full credit of the pre-registration contribution toward your final bill. Beginning three weeks before the conference, all contributions are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Increasing Your Count:
Please notify us as soon as possible of any additions to your group. Conference materials, and lunch are provided at the conference, so participant count is important. You can add people to your count up to one day prior to conference date. Participants added day of conference may not have all materials provided. We always seek to do the best we can to allow for every contingency, and your proactive communication is the most effective way to head off any last-minute emergencies.
POSTER: Click Here
LOGO’S: Click Here
FONTS: Click Here
If you would like date/location specific promotional material, please let your conference coordinator know by emailing us here.
What Momentum 1 WEEKEND does:
This event may “look like” a Disciple Now in some ways: It is held on the weekend and involves youth groups in small groups, often staying overnight in homes. However, from that point it is significantly different. Momentum1 will help your youth group gain VISION for what God desires to accomplish through them…together! This weekend will be:
The primary goal is to help every youth group member get a vision of God’s purpose for the whole group! So the students spend a lot of time together… separated only at night into homes. Momentum1 focuses your youth on the “E’s” that are essential to a youth group that exalts Christ: equipping, evangelism, and encouraging. The entire New Testament follows this pattern:
The Gospels are about Jesus equipping His disciples to be on mission in this world. A youth group that is healthy has a strong relationship with Jesus Christ. He alone energizes the youth to serve Him. We strengthen our relationship to Christ through Scripture and prayer.
The book of Acts is about the explosion of the church as it evangelized the known world. A healthy youth group that has been equipped through Scripture and prayer will always develop His compassion for the lost. Evangelism always follows proper equipping.
The letters to the churches that follow the book of Acts encourage and edify the church. A youth group that is reaching out to lost youth will have victories to celebrate, but will also understand the great need to support each other when the going gets tough A youth group that is not evangelizing the lost on their campus will have little need for what the Bible describes as fellowship between believers.
but it is much more than a “fun weekend.” Think of it as a kind of “self-diagnostic tool for youth groups.” We help youth discover what God could do with a fully devoted youth group! With this goal in mind, every hour and each component of the weekend moves sequentially. Momentum1 is not a lock-in or “all-nighter.” Properly prepared, students will come with a sense of anticipation for what God is going to do while we are together! We will have fun, we will laugh, we will play. But everything we do will point students to God’s best for their lives and for their group.
Momentum1 is for your adults, too!
- Innovative Adult Training Sessions: While your students are involved in Strategy Groups, you get the advantage of a “volunteer training track” as well! Adult Strategy sessions at Momentum1 will provide relevant training just for adults! Designed by Roger Glidewell–Global Youth Ministry’s Director–a veteran Youth Minister and Professor of Youth Ministry at Union University–this training will be invaluable as your leaders go home to help lead fired-up students!
- Opportunities for Adult Participation: There will be numerous opportunities for adult leaders to help make the weekend a success. Some adults may be enlisted to assist with the teams. Others may help with recreation or assist with meal preparation or the finale. We want the adult leadership to be part of what is happening, so we do our best to involve them.