Our Youth Mentors Abroad
How Youth Mentors are the key to reaching the world for Christ.
Meet Our Mentors

Tommy, Amber & Kasen, Olivia, Ella, Avenlee
South Dakota
Tommy and Amber Sheffield have been serving in youth ministry at Lighthouse Baptist Church in Port Charlotte, FL for fifteen years. Through that ministry God has put a burden on their hearts to not only mentor teens but other youth leaders. God has called the Sheffield family (Tommy, Amber, Kasen(14), Olivia(13), Ella(11), and Avenlee(8)) to South Dakota to train teens and youth leaders to reach the students of South Dakota and the surrounding states with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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How Youth Mentors are the key to reaching the world for Christ.
We believe that the key is in mentoring young, indigenous youth leaders in
other countries who aspire to reach their own youth cultures for Christ. This is
a biblical model; it is a practical model; it is culturally reproducible and
transferable model; and we believe it is a God-ordained model.
The plan we have embraced is simple:
- Global’s mission is to certify youth pastors in the U.S. to train mentor candidates in biblical and practical youth ministry skills during their college years at their own churches. Global will provide resources and consulting for this effort.
- Youth Mentor candidates will attend the Global Mentor Institute at our headquarters for the final 3 months of their training before being certified to live abroad for one or more years. They will raise most of their living expenses abroad in advance.
- The task of Mentors overseas is to mentor young youth leaders in communities abroad for at least one year to effectively reach their own youth populations with biblically sound and culturally relevant youth ministry strategies.
The need is overwhelming!
Youth are not just parenthetical to what God is doing in this generation, but a central feature of His purpose to reach the nations. How could this not be so when youth comprise such a huge and exploding percentage of the world’s population? Right now:
- Over 50% of the earth’s population will be under the age of 24 by 2030.
- The population of many countries’ current population is over 60% youth! This is true of countries in South and Central America, Africa, Southeast Asia, and elsewhere!
The need is not being effectively addressed
- Most mission agencies are focused on the un-reached adult population, but we all know that if a person is not reached for Christ by age 18, it becomes increasingly more difficult to reach them!
- Over 95% of the world’s youth ministry resources are inside the U.S. while about 96% of the world’s youth live outside the U.S.
- Our own experience has confirmed that short-term mission projects among youth, though important, are insufficient as a means of establishing long-term ministry among the world’s exploding youth population!
The resources are available
- Youth Ministry in the United States is inundated with youth ministry resources. Unfortunately, this is only leading to a consumer-oriented youth ministry in which youth expect more and better events, activities, programs, and materials. In other words, our avalanche of youth ministry programming is counter-productive to the spirit of servanthood which the Church seeks to engender among its youth.
- Youth in the Millennial Generation have sensed this reality and seek a life of meaning and significance which may ONLY be found in giving themselves away to meet the needs of others. In so doing, they discover what it means to live a life that is truly significant, because others value them for their service!
- Youth in the U.S. have been better prepared to minister than any previous generation. They are exposed to more discipleship, more missions, and more service opportunities than ever before. They are responding in amazing numbers to the call to short-term missions. They want to do something that is hands-on, not just throw money at problems, but throw themselves into service!
Others who thrive on hate are recruiting young people around the world for destructive ends
- Many youth populations around the world live without hope and are eager to participate in a cause that gives them hope, even if it means strapping on a bomb and blowing themselves up in a public crowd.
- Emissaries of hate such as Osama bin Laden have recruited heavily among youth to enlist hopeless young people to give their lives for an empty cause. How much more should we be giving those teenagers hope?
We may be just a few years, or even months, ahead of public perception in the churches, but people of faith are already beginning to rise up to insist that we stop ignoring the world’s huge youth population in our mission efforts! The future history of the world is being determined now by what we do—or don’t do—with our youth! We are not doing enough! Something has to change radically and immediately while there is yet time!
For More Information Contact our Office.
God will reach the youth of the nations with or without us . Our choice is whether or not to join Him in HIS plan. We must act quickly and decisively to reach this generation. Will you help us? Please contact us if you have questions.
So you have heard the call to mentor youth ministry abroad and you are ready to respond. You’re wondering, “What’s next?” and “How can this be made possible?”. There are five phases between the time you begin the application process and become the mentor for your assignment abroad.
Request for Application
Mentor candidates begin the application process by being invited by Global Youth Ministry to become a mentor candidate. Mentor candidates will receive an application from Global Youth Ministry or may download a form from our website. The application must be accompanied by a $50 application fee.
A personal interview process will include phone and on-site visits with the mentor candidate. A background check will also be conducted. Here are the qualities we seek in Mentor candidates:
- Personal integrity and strong relationship with Christ.
- Willingness to learn youth ministry and missions.
- Must be at least a high school graduate to begin mentor training.
Once the application forms have been processed and the candidate is accepted, a deposit of $250.00 will be required. (This amount is applied toward the total cost of the mentorship training and year-long experience abroad.)
The mentor candidate will receive instructions and study materials from Global. A mentor trainer will be assigned to the mentor candidate at this time.
MAP – Mentor Assessment Profile
A personal mentor assessment profile (MAP) will be developed for each mentor candidate. This profile is designed to assess the degree of the candidate’s readiness to participate in a year of ministry abroad. This assessment (MAP) may be downloaded, filled out electronically, and submitted via email for review. A follow-up phone interview with a Global Youth Ministry representative and/or an on-site interview will be scheduled. This interview will be scheduled at a mutually agreed upon date.
Budget Planning. Each mentor’s needs in their assigned country will be unique. Together, the mentor trainee and Global Youth Ministry will formulate a budget plan that will be suited to the needs involved in mentor training and the mentor experience abroad.
Ministry Partners: Each Mentor will secure a team of up to 100 prayer/financial support partners during this phase. A special Ministry Partners Manual and materials will be provided to the mentor trainee. This manual will contain a budget planning section plus information regarding raising prayer and financial support. Brochures and materials will be provided for the mentor trainee to distribute to interested parties.
Phase 2 and 3 may be conducted simultaneously.
Phases 4 and 5 are usually concurrent. While the mentor trainee is at the Institute, he or she will make final logistical preparation for the upcoming mentoring experience abroad. The transportation, lodging, meal needs, visa applications, and other necessary requirements for living abroad will be secured.
Mission Site Inspection: During this period, depending upon the candidate’s experience with overseas missions and with the particular culture to which they are called, a mission project will be arranged to the prospective mentoring location abroad. This will enable the prospective mentor and the site host to get acquainted, and determine final preparation needs for the upcoming year.
Cultural Adaptation: Your Mentor Trainer will take you through a cultural adaptation program to help you prepare for the cultural changes that will take place while you are living in another country.
Mentor Training
All Global Youth Mentor candidates are assigned to a Global Youth Mentor Trainer for a specified period of months. During this time, the mentor trainee will be expected to complete appropriate mentor training and preparation, based upon the level of the candidate’s previous experience and competency.
The training setting may be one of the following:
- Option 1: Supervised Training in a local ministry setting under the supervision of a youth minister who has been certified by Global Youth Ministry as a mentor trainer.
- Option 2: Training at Global Institute for Youth Leadership. Special application must be made for this 1-2 semester experience.
The training regimen will be decided after the mentor readiness assessment profile has been completed. Training may be conducted in person and by other means of agreed-upon communication between the mentor trainer and the trainee.
The training regimen will include four aspects, two of which will be the main focus of this phase. Mentor trainees will receive instruction in basic discipling skills, youth ministry skills, leadership skills, worldview, missions, administration, and mentoring. The two aspects of this phase of training will include:
Learning by Educational materials (Trainer leads, you listen)
Conversations from the Book Reading List with Your Mentor Trainer. Reading will be required in several disciplines. Once the mentor trainee has read each book, there will be a time to reflect on the book either in person or by written comments.
Conference: All mentors are required to attend at least one “Momentum” conference during this phase of their preparation (Momentum is a 24-hour conference designed to acquaint youth leaders with biblical principles of scripturally sound youth ministry.) Participation must be pre-arranged with Global Youth Ministry.
Training by Example (Trainer leads, you look)
On-Site Observation of Youth Ministry is an important aspect of your training. You will be expected to observe and to participate in a youth ministry in a pre-approved church or youth ministry organization. Opportunities will be given for you to observe and participate in youth ministry activities and events. You will be able to debrief these experiences with your mentor trainer.
During this 6 to 12-week period, which may be concurrent with Phases 2 and 3, the Mentor trainee will come to the Global Institute for Youth Leadership for final training and logistical preparation. While you are with us, you will be assigned to a Global mentor supervisor. Your training will focus on the last two stages of youth ministry education:
Stage 3: Training by Experience (You lead, Trainer looks and listens)
Ministry Experience: Your Global mentor supervisor will assign a prescribed set of responsibilities for you fulfill. Observation and assessment will enable the Mentor trainee to develop confidence and competence in all aspects of youth ministry needed for his experience mentoring abroad.
Stage 4: Training by Evaluation (You lead, Trainer leaves it up to you)
Ministry Leadership: Your Global mentor supervisor will assign at least one responsibility for which you will serve as the leader and/or coordinator. This will strengthen your confidence and enable your trainer to offer valuable assistance as a behind-the-scenes observer and consultant.
Congratulations you are now ready for the mission field!
The Adopting Church, Group, or Individual Will Enjoy
- Personal relationship with active missionary.
- Strengthened commitment to missions.
- Heightened awareness of mission opportunities.
- Fresh ministry perspective due to outward focus.
- Group building/bonding through service to others.
- Opportunity to see God at work and an invitation to join Him.
Since two years is the minimum commitment period of our mentors, a two year minimum adoption is encouraged. At the end of one year, the adopting group/individual has the option to continue the adoption (if the mentor is still on the field), to adopt another mentor, or to end their commitment.
What could I do to help my adopted mentor?
Global Youth Ministry is looking for like-minded youth leaders who sense the call of God to reach ALL the world’s youth, one youth group at a time!
This is their number one need! When you pray for missionaries, you are making room in your heart for God to work, extending your care beyond your community and experience.
A telephone call, letter, or email can offer much needed encouragement to a discouraged missionary called by God to the place where they are serving.
A birthday or holiday care package let’s them know you are remembering them on this special day.
Make arrangements to visit their ministry site and assist them in their work. Plan a mission trip and take a group from your church.
Missionaries love to tell about their ministry and how God is working. Let them share with your church, small group, or mission organization.
Meet a Need
There is always a shortage of needed resources in ministry. What does your missionary need that you or your church group could provide?