Requirements & Procedures for Admission
- If you are a college student or recent graduate, we encourage you to apply. All academic youth ministry majors are welcome.
- Married students must apply individually; however, both must be accepted for the same semester in order to attend.
- International students may apply.
Initial Items Due Immediately To Start Process
- A completed application
- Application fee of $50.00 (make check out to “Global Institute for Youth Leadership” or click here to pay online)
Items Due As Available
- Self Portrait (2-Passport Style Photos)
- Click here to submit your Ministry & Calling essay questions (Please limit to 500 words each)
- Two complete reference forms (please ask your pastor / personal reference to fill in the forms online here
YOUTH PASTOR – Click here for the Pastor Recommendation Form
PERSONAL RECOMMENDER – Click here for the Personal Recommendation Form - Current official college transcripts from all colleges attended (a faxed, unofficial copy may be used prior to receiving the official transcript) If student has not attended college yet, please send official High School transcript. Download transcript request
- Internship Scholarship Application
Applicants should print copies of the application, essays and application fee check for their own records.
Each of the steps above must be completed for your file to be considered for acceptance. Once your file is complete, you will be appointed a phone interview with a member of our Student Service team. You will then be notified of your acceptance determination.
Once You Have Been Accepted
Space is intentionally limited at the Institute to provide the highest quality education in an intimate, hands-on learning environment. Upon acceptance, a $200 deposit is required to hold your spot. You can mail a check to the Institute or pay online:
After making your deposit, you can contribute more towards your tuition online below:
One Year Internship Available
Academic credit and also practical skills for interns
The Institute specializes in mentoring young men and women in leadership and life purpose. We offer an exciting one-year program that provides academic credit and also practical skills for interns, while participating in one of Global’s ministry departments.
- Administration/Facility (management/food services/Inn operations/maintenance/marketing)
- Events (camps & conferences worship/tech/drama/speaking/recreation)
- Media (video/tech/computers/production/graphics/internet)
- Missions (Global Youth Leaders/mission projects/youth mentors abroad)
- Student Services (spiritual life/intramurals/student trips/residence life/activities)
Students have the opportunity to serve with Global Youth Ministry and add to their resume while attending classes on campus. The cost of this program is considerably less than the academic-only program. Intern scholarships up to 40% are available. Please contact us for more information regarding the One-Year Internship!
For students who enroll through a partnering university, there is an additional $100 fee that is paid upon arrival at the Institute. If you are a student receiving academic credit from your home institution, you may arrange to pay your remaining tuition, partial room and board costs by continuing to pay your home institution directly. The Institute will invoice your school to receive payment for you. If you are not receiving academic credit from a partnering university, you will pay the Institute directly. We will bill you at your permanent home address. Tuition payment is due in full at the beginning of each semester.
Financial Aid
Through Partner Universities
The Global Institute for Youth Leadership works in close cooperation with Anderson University and other institutions to provide college credit for interested students. Policies which control these universities generally also apply to the Institute in all matters which relate to both institutions.
If a student intends to transfer to a University after the Institute, we direct the student to the appropriate department of our partner university to apply to that institution for student aid, loans, etc., there.
When a student transfers into the Institute from another university but intends to return to that institution after studying at the Institute, we suggest that the student seek financial aid first from that university.
In all cases, we encourage students investigate the possibilities at their disposal through their hometown bank, church student scholarship assistance, and other means available to them locally.