Equipping Values
We value the Great Commitment to live holy and godly lives.
- Christian faith is a maturing process, all grow through certain stages of spiritual development (1 Jn. 2).
- The Bible is our standard.
- Prayer energizes our work.
Evangelism Values
We value the Great Commission to grip the globe with the gospel!
- Action: Everyone is a missionary, first to his own Jerusalem, then to the uttermost parts of the earth.
- Focus: Our task is finish the job of taking the gospel to the globe.
- Integrity: We are accountable to an untrusting world; we meet our financial obligations as agreed. We do what is right. We are consistent. We are trustworthy, and keep our word.
Encouraging Values
We value the Great Commandment to love our brothers and prepare for the return of the Bridegroom.
- Relationship: We value team. We prize the family. We value commitment to each other. We define expectations of others. We invest in people. We acknowledge the gifts and abilities of others. We protect each other. We value laughter and fun. We prize service.
- Excellence: We are committed to quality. We value effectiveness over efficiency. We learn from failure.
- Worship: We bring glory to God.